Кампейны 01 июля 2019
Zivert for monochrome™
Incredible Zivert in new Monochrome campaign supported by Lexus Russia

We also have our idols, and the main musical discovery of the last years for us was the beautiful Zivert, whose songs seem to be heard from everywhere these days. Finding a free date in the calendar of our star guest was more than difficult and the shooting itself, in terms of organization, was the most spontaneous of all our star campaigns.

However, despite the insane speed, we managed not only to get some great shots, but also to have a little interview with Julia (real name of the singer) "on the legs". And when it comes to Zivert's legs, it's probably even better that way.

Yulia, if you weren't a singer, what would you like to be?
I can't imagine another life, but if it's a question, I would like to be a designer.

Which living or ever living artist would you love to do a duet with?
Michael Jackson, of course.

What's playing in your headphones right now?
My new demos that I'll be making an album with soon)

What do you prefer, watching a TV series at home or going to a big red carpet premiere?
At home of course, I'm a bit of a homelover!

Of the series, Sex and the City or Breaking Bad?
I prefer the "Breaking Bad" format, but Sex and the City is a timeless classic.)

Of the movies: "Bridget Jones's Diary" or "The Wolf of Wall Street"?
"Wolf of Wall Street, definitely.

Imagine you were offered a great role in a movie, but you had to get healthy to play it, as in the case of Renée Zellweger. Would you do that?
If I wanted to really live that character, I think yes, I could.

If I, as a stylist, suggested that you wear something you don't like at all, would you agree?
I wouldn't! I'm strict about that.

You created a recognizable image. Would you agree to change it if your producer asked you to, as long as he guaranteed you bigger royalties because of that change?
NEVER! my style is my own personal freedom and that's the only way)

And if tomorrow the eyebrow threads become wildly fashionable again, would you want to be in the trend?
I've never chased trends and fashion) I'm for style, and the style is what's inside.

Situation: you're in the company of not very familiar people. Your reaction - will you try to be the queen of the party or stand quietly in the sidelines with a glass of juice?
I'll stand in the corner and watch.)

Do you have any tattoos that no one can see? Except for someone special.
Not yet.)

If you met yourself 10 years ago, what would you say to yourself?
What an awesome person you'll be in 10 years!!!

What super power would you want to get?
Teleport, please, I'm begging!!!!!